Thursday, February 24, 2011

Computers helped the world a lot and helped us take a large step into the future. Businesses and entertainment uses them to make profits, education uses them to help educate students better, the medical field uses computers in many different ways, and other areas. Without the computer’s help, none of this would be possible. The world would be a dull and primitive place. No cures for diseases, good entertainment, less transportation, etc. The computers of todays changed a society a lot. Everyone is impacted by this remarkable device.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Writer’s blocks will save you time, make you more productive and enhanced your creativity. Writer’s blocks are powerful writing software that will help you pull together your ideas, notes, and research for your complex writing projects. Use blocks to capture, organize, outline, and structure your documents. You can now use one software tool from brainstorm to your final document. Writers, novelists, authors, journalists, researches, screenwriters, song writers, attorneys, students, and technical writers will be more productive with Writer’s Blocks.


A large amount of the world’s information is now easy to get by computer. All the way through a library’s online databases you can find several full text articles from magazines, newspapers, and government publications. Huge amounts of information are accessible from the internet, as well as online services. Through specialized library online databases such as ABI-INFORM and CBCA Reference you can have at your fingertips the latest business, legal, scientific, and scholarly information.

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Generally word processors contain some form of outliner, a feature that allows you to split a focus into a hierarchical order with main points and sub points. Your computer maintains track of the levels of ideas automatically so that you can easily add, cut, or rearrange points in the outline. The outline feature creates fast work of organizing long or complex documents, procedures, and presentations. You can promote or demote items in the outline hierarchy by changing their indentation. You can also organize information into headings and subheadings, apply numbered and bulleted lists, and control which levels of information are displayed.


Almost all word processing programs today give features that hold and accurate spelling and typographical mistakes. Grammar checkers identify several errors in capitalization, word use, double negatives, verb use, sentence structure, number style, and other writing mistakes. As you type, Word processor will tell you if make spelling or grammar mistakes by inserting a curly red, green, or blue underline under the text that it thinks is an error. Red underline indicates either a possible spelling error or that Word doesn't recognize a word, such as a proper name or place. Green underline indicates that grammar should be revised. Blue underline indicates that a word is spelled correctly but does not seem to be the correct word for the sentence. Word includes a standard dictionary against which it checks your spelling. Using Word's spell checking can save you all kinds of embarrassment.


Your letters, notes and reports may enhanced by the addition of graphs and artwork to make clear and demonstrate data. You can use WordArt to insert unique text effects to your document. You can also make bigger a title, twist text, make text fit a preset shape, or apply a gradient fill. This WordArt turns out to be an object that you can shift or place in your document to insert decoration or emphasis. You can import charts, diagrams, and designs created in database, worksheet, graphics, or draw and paint programs. Readymade pictures, called clip art, can be used to represent or demonstrate information.


The majority software now contains a huge collection scalable font for different character sizes and styles, italics, boldface, symbols, and styling procedures to help you in creating reliable designing and professional-looking effects. Presentation software allows you to have as a feature flashy slide special effects, colour, sound, pictures, as well as movies into your discussions for organization or consumers. Web document producers also facilitate you design and build Web pages. Fine tuning your document is easy, too. You can add headers, footers, footnotes, and bookmarks with a few clicks. Insert section, layout, and page breaks from a pull down menu. And the word count up is visible at the bottom of the page just click the total to see details including the number of characters, lines, paragraphs, and more. Any word processor can help you type. Pages give you all the tools you need to write and to perfect your writing. Now you can view your document full screen too.


Collaborative software also referred to as groupware, workgroup support systems or simply group support systems is computer software designed to help people concerned in a common task achieve their goals. It is usually associated with individuals not physically co-located, but instead working together across an internet connection. It can also include remote access storage systems for archiving common use data files that can be accessed, modified and retrieved by the distributed workgroup members. Collaborative software covers a broad spectrum of products and uses. Web collaboration software allows broad teams to work together no matter where they are located.

Computer makes our life easier; we can easily get information about anything we want.  Computer helps us a lot and they make us dependent. People spend more time behind monitors than ever before. As we know that we live in technological era, computers entered everywhere with all benefits they provide and all dangers they hide. However we are satisfied with them and sometimes we even thank them because they help us in communicating, collecting information, studying, doing business, entertaining and saving lives in critical situations.